mousefix |
What is a mousefix? Why do I need it?
Some older games, such as Half-Life 1, Counter-Strike 1.x, Quake, Quake 2, Unreal and others, while they are active and running, call a Windows function intending to disable variable mouse acceleration by forcing ALL movement to be accelerated by the same amount (doubled).
In XP, Vista and Windows 7, Microsoft changed how mouse pointer acceleration worked.
Now when those games call the function (asking that all movement be accelerated), Windows enables the mouse 'Enhance pointer precision' feature, which adds mouse acceleration using a varying curve to control the mouse response. (It enables it even if you have it turned off in the Control Panel Mouse settings.)
Does my game need a mousefix?
You can test your game to see if it turns enhance pointer precision ON, and needs a mouse fix.
Turn the enhance pointer precision option OFF
Run Mouse Movement Recorder
Run your game and look at the 'EnPtPr' column footer at the bottom of the Mouse Movement Recorder window
If it is displayed with a red background then the game has turned acceleration ON and needs a mouse fix
If it is not displayed with a red background, you do not need a mousefix. All you need to do is disable the enhance pointer precision option and keep your windows sensitivity at the 6/11 slider.
What if I don't use the 6/11 windows sensitivity setting?
If you use a setting lower or higher than the default windows setting, you will not get 1 to 1 windows mouse movement.
For example, say you are using 3/11. Your windows multiplier is 0.25. If you move the mouse by one pixel constantly for 3 counts, 3 * 0.25 = 0.75, and the pointer is not moved at all. You then move another 2 counts, and 2 * 0.25 = 0.5 + the 0.75 from last time = 1.25. Now the pointer moves by 1. This happens because when Windows applies the scaling factor, it can only pass through to the game a whole (integer) number of mouse movement and it holds back or delays a remainder which is added into the next movement.
If you are not in a position where you can comfortably change your windows sensitivity back to 6/11 while on your desktop, you'll have to change it to 6/11 every time you open a game. If your game requires a mousefix (turns Enhance pointer precision ON), you can use the MarkC Mousefix Builder, which will automatically force your windows sensitivity to 6/11 when your game is opened.
Unfortnuately, if your game does not turn on enhance pointer precision, the mousefix builder will not work, and you'll need to change the windows sensitivity manually. However, some games (like Counter-Strike: Source) have the option of enabling enhance pointer precision on launch through launch options. If you use this launch option (-useforcedmparms), the game will turn on enhance pointer precision, which will then be negated by the mousefix builder, as well as automatically set your windows sensitivity to 6/11. Once the game is closed, the enhance pointer precision option will go back to the way it was set on your desktop (off), as will your windows sensitivity (no longer forced to 6/11)
I need a mousefix.
Windows XP or Vista (6/11 windows sensitivity) - Cheese Mousefix
Windows XP, Vista, or 7 (NOT 6/11 windows sensitivity) - MarkC Mousefix Builder
Windows 7 (6/11 windows sensitivity) - MarkC Windows 7 Mousefix
Note: When using the mousefix builder, it will adjust your sensitivity slider to the 6/11 position when you open your game (unless your game does not turn enhance pointer precision on, read above). This will make your sensitivity faster/slower depending on what windows sensitivity you were using previously. In order to find the right sensitivity again, multiply your in-game sensitivity by your previous windows sensitivity multiplier. This value is your new in-game sensitivity.
What about CPL Mousefix?
The CPL Mouse Fix has problems, WHEN the 'Enhance pointer precision' checkbox is ON (or your game forces it on), which include:
Not an exact 1:1 mapping of mouse movement to pointer movement.
At refresh rates < 80 Hz, it moves the mouse pointer < 1 pixel for each mouse count sent, which causes bizzare wobbling and slowdown if moving the mouse slowly right and down.
At refresh rates > 80 Hz, it moves the mouse pointer > 1 pixel for each mouse count sent, which causes bizzare wobbling and speedup if moving the mouse slowly left and up.
At any refresh rate, moving the mouse slowly in small circles causes the pointer to move up and left slowly.
The Cheese Mousefix (XP and Vista) and MarkC Mousefix (Windows 7) do not have these problems.